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Version: v0.x

The state root transition proof circuit

This circuit proves the correctness of each state root transition.

Public Inputs

All public inputs are set by the contract.

Pseudocode nameDescription
coordinatorPubKeyThe coordinator's public key
currentStateRootThe current state root
msgTreeRootThe Merkle root of the message tree
msgTreePathIndexThe Merkle path index of the message in the message tree
maxStateLeafIndexThe maximum leaf index of the state tree
userCurrentLeafPathIndexThe Merkle path index from the user's latest valid state leaf to the current state root
newStateRootThe new state root

Private Inputs

All private inputs are set by the coordinator.

Pseudocode nameDescription
userCurrentLeafPathElementsThe Merkle path elements from the user's latest valid state leaf to the current state root
currentVoteOptionPathElements[n]The Merkle path needed to prove the existence of the current vote option leaf. Size is 253 * vote_option_tree_depth bits
newVoteOptionPathElements[n]The Merkle path needed to update the vote option tree root in the state leaf. Size is 253 * vote_option_tree_depth bits
currentVoteWeightIn the quadratic voting use case, this is the square root of the number of voice credits a user wishes to spend on this vote. Size is 32 bits.
messageThe message
msgTreePathElementsThe Merkle path elements to the message tree root from the message leaf
randomLeafRandom data
newStateTreePathIndexThe Merkle path index to the new state root from the new state leaf
newStateTreePathElementsThe Merkle path elements to the new state root from the new state leaf
newStateTreePathElementsToZeroThe Merkle path elements to the new state root from leaf 0, after the new state leaf has been updated
userCurrentLeafThe user's latest valid state leaf
commandThe command to process. Includes all the details in the leaf.
noOpThe no-op flag
userPubKeyThe public key associated with the private key used to sign the command
encPubKeyThe ephermeral public key used to generate the ECDH shared key which was used to encrypt the command.
coordinatorPrivKeyThe coordinator's private key.

For the sake of simplicity, in this specification, we assume that there is no batching of commands and we handle each command one at a time.

Check 1: That the message has been encrypted with the correct key

// Derive the coordinator's public key from
// their private key
var derivedCoordinatorPubKey = eddsaDerivePubKey(coordinatorPrivKey);

// Ensure via a constraint that it matches the
// coordinator's public key given as an input
assert(derivedCoordinatorPubKey == coordinatorPubKey);

// Generate the ECDH key
var ecdhSharedKey = genEcdhKey(coordinatorPrivKey, encPubKey);

// Use the ECDH shared key to decrypt the message
var decryptedCommand = decrypt(ecdhSharedKey, message);

// Ensure via a constraint that the message has been correctly decrypted
assert(decryptedCommand == command);

Check 2: that the message is part of the message tree

var generatedMsgTreeRoot = generateMerkleRoot(msgTreePathElements, msgTreePathIndex, message);

assert(generatedMsgTreeRoot, msgTreeRoot);

Check 3: that the new state root transition is the correct result of executing the given command — or — that the command is invalid and the no-op flag is set to true.

Circuit logic

The message should already have been decrypted to decryptedCommand (see above).

This function generates a state leaf
function generateStateLeaf(
) => {

return [
command.nonce + 1

// The main circuit logic:

// Record in a variable that the new state leaf index is
// valid (i.e. it is leq to the maximum allowed value)
var validStateLeafIndex = newStateTreePathIndex <= maxStateLeafIndex && newStateTreePathIndex > 0

// Record in a variable if the signature is valid
var validSignature = verifyEddsa(signature, decryptedCommand, userPubKey)

// Record in a variable if the nonce is correct
var correctNonce = decryptedCommand.nonce == userCurrentLeaf.nonce + 1

// Prove that the user's current leaf is part of the
// Merkle tree. Note that this check is independent of
// the noOp flag. As such, the coordinator cannot
// create an invalid proof by tampering with the
// Merkle proof and setting noOp to true; the Merkle proof
// *must* be valid.
var x = generateMerkleRoot(

assert(x == currentStateRoot)

// Prove that the current vote option weight (leaf)
// input is correct by checking that it exists in the
// tree at the given index
var y = generateMerkleRoot(

assert(y == userCurrentLeaf.voteOptionTreeRoot)

// Record in a variable if the user has enough
// voice credits

var newVoiceCreditBalance =
userCurrentLeaf.voiceCreditBalance +
(decryptedCommand.currentVoteWeight ^ 2) -
(decryptedCommand.newVoteWeight ^ 2)

var enoughVoiceCredits = newVoiceCreditBalance >= 0

// Record in a variable if the new leaf's vote option
// tree root is the correct result of updating the
// vote option leaf.
var computedNewVoteOptionRoot =

assert(newStateLeaf.voteOptionRoot == computedNewVoteOptionRoot)
newStateLeaf.voteOptionRoot == computedNewVoteOptionRoot

// Record in a variable if the vote option index is
// within a permissible range (0 to 2 ** vote option tree
// depth, inclusive) where VOTE_OPTION_TREE_DEPTH is
// not an input, but rather hardcoded during the trusted
// setup.
var validVoteOptionTreeIndex = command.voteOptionIndex < VOTE_OPTION_TREE_DEPTH

var newStateLeaf = generateStateLeaf(

if (enoughVoiceCredits &&
correctNonce &&
validSignature &&
validStateLeafIndex &&
// Use a constraint to ensure that the no-op flag
// is set to false
assert(noOp == false)

// Generate the new state root.
var s = merkleTreeUpdate(

// Update the leaf at index `0` to generate a new state
// root, and ensure via a constraint that it is equal
// to the new state root passed to the snark as an
// input.

var updatedStateRoot = merkleTreeUpdate(

assert(updatedStateRoot == newStateRoot)

// Use a constraint to ensure that the no-op flag
// is set to true
assert(noOp == true)

Circuit failure modes

ConditionnoOp flagOutcome
Insufficient voice creditstrueValid proof, but only leaf 0 is updated
Invalid noncetrueValid proof, but only leaf 0 is updated
Invalid signaturetrueValid proof, but only leaf 0 is updated
Invalid new vote option roottrueValid proof, but only leaf 0 is updated
Invalid state leaf indextrueValid proof, but only leaf 0 is updated
Invalid vote option tree indextrueValid proof, but only leaf 0 is updated
Invalid Merkle path to the current state rootN/ANo such proof can be generated
Invalid Merkle path to the current vote option rootN/ANo such proof can be generated